Project – Cloud Applications
Generic Education Info App
Version 1.3
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The transmission or reproduction of this document or its exploitation or revelation of its contents is not permitted without express authority.
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The document is not subject to document change management. No liability is accepted for the contents of this document.
Revision History
Date | Version | Description | Author |
1.1 | Draft | Md Omar Dip Chowdhury | |
1.2 | High Level Review | Md Omar Dip Chowdhury | |
1.3 | Final Version | Md Omar Dip Chowdhury | |
Approval History
Name |
Title |
Date of Approval |
Amena Khan | Project Engineer | 03/27/2014 |
Name | Dept | Date |
Syed Ali – DBA | Product Development | 02/22/2014 |
Atheequr Syed – Developer | Product Development | 02/22/2014 |
Omar Chowdhury – Architect | Product Development | 02/22/2014 |
Amena Khan – Project Engineer | Client Services | 02/27/2014 |
- · Edition 1.1 information added to the Draft plan.
- · Edition 1.2 Subsequent plan approvals · Interim plan updates, including contact updates
- · Edition 1.3 Interim updates to timeline and resources
Table of Contents
1. Overview 4
1.1 High Level Requirements 4
1.2 High level SW/HW and Human resource requirement. 4
1.3 High level Project architecture 5
2. Project Methodologies 6
3. Project Milestone 6
3.1 Complete end to end frame work 6
3.2 Complete all info related modules 6
3.3 Complete Reporting module 6
3.4 End to end testing of all the service 6
3.5 Split team for production support and CR (Change Request) 6
4. Project Timeline 7
5. Out of scope 7
1. Overview
Generic Education Info App is basically an mobile app which will provide all kind of education information from Pre-K to 12th grade in all over USA. It will cover all kind of eduction information for any student and their correcponsings. This will start with following modules. Eresources Consultants Inc is responsible end to end development.
- Student Biographic Info
- Student Grade Level Info
- Student Course Info
- Student Exam Info
- Student Attendance Info
- All kind of reports related to above modules
1.1 High Level Requirements
This project is going to start with the data provided by data providing agencies all over USA. This are the trusted agencies all over united states who provides student related data from Pre-K to 12th grade. This may include all kind of special aid students also.
- Student Biographic Info:- This will contain students Historic biographic information like full name, list of all address, race, origin, sex, ithnicity, age, date of birth, student unique id, SSN in encrypted form etc.
- Student Grade Level Info:- This module will contain the history of the students grade level and school info.
- Student Course Info:- This module will cover the history of students taken course and associated teached info.
- Student Exam Info:- This will cover all exam grades and points.
- Student Attendance Info:- Summary of all kind of related attendance will be covered in this module.
- All kind of report related to above modules:- All kind of charts and graphs related to student attendance, exam grades, address change history etc. based on each region will be covered in this module.
1.2 High level SW/HW and Human resource requirement.
1.2.1 Software:– Here is the high level list of software that is going to be used.
- Latest version of Pentaho is going to be used for ETL development and it is going to run on Redhat Enterprise Linux
- Latest version of Microsoft .net is going to be used for web service development and is going to be hosted in windows server.
- Latest version of Oracle is going to be used for database and is going to be hosted in Redhat Enterprise Linux
1.2.2 Hardware:- We will rent 3 cloud server from with 16gb RAM, 8cpu(16x priority) and 700gb of storage for our initial development. After We finish our development we will move the entire project to our physical servers.
1.2.3 Human Resource:- Required Human Resource are listed in below table.
SL | Expert Area | No of Position |
1 |
Project Manager |
1 |
2 |
Project Architect |
1 |
3 |
BA(Business Analyst) |
1 |
4 |
DBA(Oracle) |
1 |
5 |
Developer(.net,ETL, JAVA ) |
2 |
6 |
Developer(Android, IOS) |
1 |
7 |
QA automation |
1 |
1.3 High level Project Architecture
Fig:- High Level Project Architecture.
Data Providing Agencies:- These are the trusted agencies all around the country who will provide the required student info.
ETL:- In this layer we will develop some generic ETL jobs which will retrieve data from data procider agencies with push or pull mechanism. Pull means the ETL jobs will connect to the desired destination to retrieve data and push means the vendors can push data to our database directly and the etl jobs will pick if from there.
Database:- We will use oracle database to hold all the incoming and outgoing data.
Web service:- This is going to be to most challenging part in the entire development. In this layer we are going to develop some intelligent web services which will be smart enough to retrieve data from database for analysis purpose and deliver the required data to front end. We are going to use some caching mechanism for data analysis. This Web services are going to be global, which means that this could be used by our own applications as well as any other application who is willing to purchase web service licence from Eresources Consultants Inc.
All the education data provider agencies will provide connectivity on their database and flat file locations. Eresource developed ETL process will pull data from different locations provided by the data provider agencies and dump it in our hosted databases. After then Eresource will develop some generic web services which will be used to display data in web portal as well as Android and IOS apps.
2. Project Methodologies
We are going to follow AGILE method for SDLC life cycle. So in this situation we need a full functional team starting from the beginning. This team is going to contain atleast one resource from each and every section like Project Management, Business Analyst, DBA(Data base Administrator), ETL developer, web service developer and QA. In an AGILE method all the steps of SDLC(Analysis, Design, Development and QA) is going to peformed in parallel to speed up the development in an efficient way.
3. Project Milestone
Since we are going to follow AGILE method our milestone would be little bit different then the regular waterfall model. Here is our milestone.
3.1 Complete end to end frame work
Basically this is an arthitectural preparation to support the entire development work. In this stage the developers will develop the frame work for ETL, database and web & cloud development. This is to set up the standard procedures that are going to be enforced strictly all over the project.
3.2 Complete all info related modules
In this stage all the major modules realted to basic info will be developed.
3.3 Complete Reporting module
In this stage the reporting module will be developed. The reporting module is different than other modules because here we need all the data that has been loaded by the ofther basic info modules.
3.4 End to end testing of all the service
This is the last step before moving in production. Here will will test all the ETL push pull functionalities, web services, online portals and IOS/Android apps to make sure the end to end system is functional and the is ready for Eresources Consultants Inc to move production.
3.5 Split team for production support and CR (Change Request)
In this stage we need to split the team in 2. 1. To handle all production support activities and 2. Is to handle all kind to change request.
4. Project Timeline
Below chart reflects the project time line.
SL | Project Activiries | From | To |
1 |
Complete end to end frame work |
Oct-2014 |
Dec-2014 |
2 |
Complete all info related modules |
Jan-2015 |
Mar-2017 |
Student Biographic Info |
Jan-2015 |
Jun-2015 |
Student Grade Level Info |
May-2015 |
Nov-2015 |
Student Course Info |
Oct-2015 |
Mar-2016 |
Student Exam Info |
Feb-2016 |
Sep-2016 |
Student Attendance Info |
Aug-2016 |
Mar-2017 |
3 |
Complete Reporting module |
Apr-2017 |
Dec-2017 |
4 |
End to end testing of all services |
Jan-2018 |
Mar-2018 |
5 |
Split team for production support and CR |
Apr-2018 |
On going |
5. Out of scope
Our current scope is limited to focus on modules mentioned above. Anything apart from this module is out of scope.